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Return To Love Affirmation Meditation [FREE DOWNLOAD]

Listen to this meditation every day to remove any blocks, limiting beliefs, fears and separation.  Commit to this practice daily and return back to love.

    Human Evolution Through Heart Consciousness

    Thank you for being here.


    I pray that you welcome all parts of
    yourself. They’re all beautiful.

    I pray that you open your heart.
    It is safe.

    I pray for your healing. There is so much joy
    in learning about yourself.

    I pray that you remember your heart. 

    I pray that you remember: there are no limits.
    You are already free.

    I pray you feel the love in my heart as a bridge to your own. There is enough love in our hearts for everyone and everything. No one gets left out.

    I pray that you remember who you are and
    why you came to Earth in the first place.
    There is a reason and you do matter.

    Inner Child Holding Meditation [FREE DOWNLOAD]

    Listen to this meditation any time you feel unclear, “numb” and want to feel safe in your body again.